Let's Talk
We help Manufacturing and logistics companiesfind strategic and competitive real estate.
Cities in Focus
Types of Deals
Land outright transactions
Land is a scare resource and the highest paying off asset if planned with acumen and patience. We help you identify pockets of growth for both end use and investment needs.
Lease a structure
Be it world class warehouses or for green field manufacturing, or commercial industrial space. We can help you find a suitable space that suits your short term and long term needs.
Built to suit lease
Built to suit requires working in integration, assessing the needs and desires carefully to propose a custom solution to the space needs.
Investment inspired sales
Land is the most sought after risk averse and high return asset if brokered and closed with right consultants. We cater to all investment needs in land - be it pre-leased or high appreciation strategic investment or special purpose land like - hotel, school etc. We can help you find that promising asset.
Services we offer
Area Selection
1Area selection requires indepth collaboration to understand factors like government scheme, supply chains and target market, and also understand how they influence the location descision.
Property search, analysis and selection.
2Property search and selection is micro research and offering from our data base based on various acquisition factors. Our team does slick job and help you find a property of your choice.
Assist in Due Diligence, compliances study and back assurance with proofs.
3Our key value add is to create transparency and bring valuable documentation on table to ensure the property is legally viable and without any violations.
Seller Records, Past transactions
4The deals become easy with confidence once you know who you're dealing with. We leverage our market network to understand the party past transactions history to ensure smooth transaction.
Site Visits, Presentation and Feasibility Study
5We help you and your team visit the site and evaluate at ease - weather it’s worthy of further discussion.
Ensure Property Fits the Requirements.
6As interests progress and we have shortlisted options, we help knit the open loops and work closely with the parties to bring any further value add needed in order to make the deal more valuable.
Deal Structing and Negotitation
7How the deal is structured and terms are agreed defines the foundation of the relationship. We play an active role to find a win win.
Facilitating the transaction and Registration process.
8Towards the end, we help transact smoothly, with integrity and commitments to see the happy faces of our clients.